Monday, August 4, 2008

ShaoWa's special: for the hostelites.

This post is dedicated to my friends in the PJN hostel.

Sorry Mizi, aku inda jadi buat yang ‘a person per post’ but instead I divided (well, sort of) this post into 6, each have my comment on each one of you guys and the seniors. =)

First, here’s a poem I found when I was browsing the internet. (fyi, I did not make this poem, so don’t go saying I’m an

One of us is
Traveling to places;
We’ve never been,
Never imagined,
Never seen.
We must;
Remember each other
Through letter and words,
Even though our voices won’t be heard,
So when we get back together,
We’ll still be;


Ani kawan baik ku. I’ve known him since form 1. Ia selalu bagi aku choki2 and gula2,nanti aku belaja ko balik, Insya Allah. Memang seorang yang kreatif, terer photoshopping, buleh jadi graphic designer ni ya Masa malam2 ia yang paling bising bleh ku gitau, Tanya saja c mizi.Hehe. Jaga bisai2 bilikku atu, jangan jamur spendet kamu sana, karang what happens in the video become reality karang.bohhh. Study smartly, ingat apa teacher Michelle cakap.haha.


The most studious person in our group. I always see him studying in his room. I know you can score good grades =) keep up the hardwork! Lol, macam lain bunyinya “keep up the hardwork” , oh well. And thanks for posting about me in your blog. Don’t sleep late at night, haha, or not you’ll get scolded again by ‘you-know-who’.lol.


My slightly distant cousin. Jangan asyik main2 saja, blajar la sikit.hehe. Oh, and I’m trying to make the pudding but I’m still waiting for my parents to by the ingredients. Thank you for the food that you lanja us, really appreciate it. And the one (or is it 3?) thing that you told me; I won’t forget them, don’t worry ;) Stay positive, jangan selalu moody2, kadang2 orang risau tu.


Ngam ka spelling namamu tu? macam salah. Haha. I heard from Chong you cried when I left, I never knew you were a sentimental. Haha. So Macam, tak sangka lah! Just so you know, he’s the one who spread the so called ‘Z-virus’, sampai aku pun terikut2 olehnya. I still remember the time when Amin (not my brother, it’s the other Amin) showed you the rat and then you terkajut, haha, macam lagging lagi tu ko terkajut ah but nice lah, nice, nice. Lol.


Orang yang paling berulah antara kami semua. Time pagi, ia tu yang paling bising. Haha. Belajar rajin2, jangan gauk2, buat amal selalu..eseh..haha. Kecian c Farid ani, nadatah urang kan mengajar ko maths lagi, tapi bagiku ko memang ada kebolehan maths, terus kan usaha walaupun aku nada, minta ajar dari seniors.


Although you guys always kacau me but you guys are cool, baik jua lah, sikit..haha..cali2 pun ada. Thanks for all your support and thanks to Sufi & Amin (the other Amin) who taught me how to play the guitar. Have a fun year.

Lastly, I want to say gudluck to the hostelites on their upcoming tests and exams. Mudahan kamu pass, amin. Have a great time in hostel, tapi jangan sampai buat warden marah. Lol. And, I want to apologize if anything that I did or said offended you. I had a awesome time in hostel, I'll cherish the memories. I’ll see you guys when I see you. =)