Friday, May 22, 2009

Just a brief post

After a week of intense revision for my AS exam, I’m halfway through it. Only three more papers I need to sit for, then it’s smooth sailing to early July. But I must not let my nostalgia of returning home waver my determination.  I must go through hell before reaching the gates of heaven. Yoseh, I’m getting poetic, better stop before some dick-headed guy starts calling me emo. (I mean you Hafiz)

Did you know Barrack Obama was called “O’bomber” because of his basketball skills during high school? I think O’bomber is a cool name. Bare kool man. Bare. 

Monday, May 4, 2009

7 swine flu cases in Dulwich.

The first thing I thought in my mind when Hafiz told me this is "oh, what luck"

Seriously folks, I'm not dhinkin' around here. It is true. I can't even believe it myself. I got my exams to worry about and now this? God must be punishing me. This is all the mexicans fault! If they didn't come here with their swine flu infection, we wouldn't even be concerned. Why don't they just go to USA? It's much more closer. ARRRGHHHHH!!!!

Whoa..chill Lim, being racist and blaming won't solve anything *deep breath, exhale*. Think about postive things. As long as I don't eat pork or get in contact with someone infected I'm fine. Besides, there's a chance of school getting close because of this, woo! xD Oh yeah and..'s the link to the news.

I know, crazy right? At least I'm in West Dulwich, which is not exactly in Dulwich. Fuh. Hmm. Just to make sure, better check how far am I from Dulwich. Google Earth time! BOOYAH!
