Thursday, October 29, 2009

Anime Expo

..I wuz there.

Anime expo is where you see Naruto line up to withdraw cash from an ATM, where that vampire guy from Vampire hunter D sit down and have a sip of coffee at Costa, where you will see Kurosaki Ichigo wash his hands at the toilet.

Good times.

Oh, Kairi was there too! I wanted to take a picture with her but...she was busy calling someone. =/

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


It all started with The Matrix. I was watching the movie see (I know, I know, why am I watching an old movie? I was just a kid when I first watch the Matrix and I couldn't understand a thing, well, except for the fighting scenes. So I was re-watching it to understand it better). After the movie I 'wiki'-ed the matrix, and this somehow lead me to the discovery of Cicakman 2.

I don't know exactly why but I wanted to watch Cicakman 2, so I asked Hafiz to download it for me because honestly I don't know how to download movies or maybe I was using that as an excuse for my laziness. But dear ol' Hafiz refused my request, because of piracy reasons, even though he promised me he would download it for me.

Desperate, I went to the internet to download the movie I oh so wanted to watch. I found the file and began downloading it. What was strange is that it is an .exe file but what was stupid is that I saved the file despite knowing it. What was even stupider, I ran the file and it installed something: Trojans, 4 fuckin' trojans.

I asked arif for help since he's like the computer wiz. Even with his valiant effort he couldn't take down the Cicakman2.exe Trojan. Then Hafiz came, asked me to buy this software that supposedly eliminate the Trojan and make my PC faster. Guess what, it didn't do shit! And I had to spend $30 on that piece of crap. Tikus membaiki labu banar.

Now the trojan is still lurking somewhere in my laptop, cleverly hiding itself, devising for the destruction of my PC's system. I never knew one file could fuck up my PC this bad.

And all this is because of Cicakman 2.


Thursday, October 22, 2009


You know what? I find junk mail to be really annoying.

Well, who doesn't?

You sign in to MSN, and every time there's this pop-up informing you about new messages, and then you go to your inbox to check it out, only to find emails from companies promoting their goddamn products. What a let-down. What's bad, these things just keep on coming.

In MSN hotmail, you have this 'Junk mail' section of your inbox, and your 'inbox' section of your inbox (Whoa, confusemoi?). These sections are self-explanatory really; your junk mails goes to junk mail and obviously, not-junk mails goes to inbox. These thing are automatically sorted (at least, I think they are). Then again, why do I find junk mail in my fuckin inbox?? Whatever is sorting my emails, it's not doing a good job. Might as well do it myself. Can't believe I just typed that, no way am I gonna do it. never send Alim to do a computer's job.

I'm just a disappointed guy ranting. Don''t mind me. =)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hyde park adventure

Today's post is pictures only =)


Roasted duck recipe: You need (1) duck

I photoshop-ed this

Yeah, you know what happens next: 'splash'

love for the ducks

"now now boys, don't push, there're plenty for everyone"

and finally, my favourite picture

lonely hearts

Monday, October 19, 2009

Another half term

The school bell rang and I went out the classroom with a long sigh

but it's not one of those 'oh no' sighs. No.

It's a 'finally half term' sigh.

Two weeks of no school!! wee~

I wonder what's in store for me during half term =)


I wanted to apologize to the woman at the train station whom asked me for directions. Apparently I gave her the wrong one. Apakan, macamlah ia baca blog ku. Talur. Or maybe she does, in the off chance of that happening, I am sorry woman-at-train-station.


Arif bought Uncharted 2. Awesome game I say. I think we're gonna finish the game today (3rd day after buying the game). Karak game kaliah.


People are having A'level exam right now. Just wanna say goodluck to all of them. Fighting! (mild koreanisation detected)


My stomach hurts right now. x(

Thursday, October 8, 2009

My worries

Right now I have three things to worry about:

1) My university application

2) Oxbridge interviews and tests

3) A'levels

4) DT coursework

All of which rooted from a single ultimate uncertainty:

My future

(I want my future to be bright so I made the font to have a bright colour =) Pretty superstitious of me to do this.)

"Life often doesn't go as you planned,so be ready to improvise"

there's another thing I'm worried about..
I'm worried if I won't be the first one to greet her on her birthday

Sunday, October 4, 2009



Haha, maybe I shouldn't begin my post with a 'wootz', it's kinda nerdy =p


Went to Chinatown yesterday, lotsa lanterns and people, it was the mid-autumn festival afterall and there were mooncakes on sale, wonder how they taste like. While people were busy buying mooncakes and enjoying the bright lanterns, I went to the salon..and had my hair cut.

and this is the result

daym, look at that bad boy

me and my new hair looking adorable don't have good time I should use my new phone *cough*8megapixelcamera*cough* to take pictures.

Right, I better stop poklen-ing (seriously who created this word?Can't he/she think of a better word??)

The salon is pretty nice and the hair stylist there I think is a pro; Exhibit A * referring to picture above* They also gave me advice on how to take good care of my hair - not all salons do this I tell you. She (the hair stylist) even pointed out an area of my scalp which is damaged, she said the most likely reason would be stress. Stressed? Moi? Hmm...maybe a bit..been busy lately. She also recommended a good shampoo for me to buy: 'New something'..dunno what's the second word..maybe you know? If you do, leave a post in my c-box kay? ;)


here's something I stumbled upon

click to enlarge

Friday, October 2, 2009

Special day

Today is a special day

it's the day of our 3rd anniversary =)