It all started with The Matrix. I was watching the movie see (I know, I know, why am I watching an old movie? I was just a kid when I first watch the Matrix and I couldn't understand a thing, well, except for the fighting scenes. So I was re-watching it to understand it better). After the movie I 'wiki'-ed the matrix, and this somehow lead me to the discovery of Cicakman 2.
I don't know exactly why but I wanted to watch Cicakman 2, so I asked Hafiz to download it for me because honestly I don't know how to download movies or maybe I was using that as an excuse for my laziness. But dear ol' Hafiz refused my request, because of piracy reasons, even though he promised me he would download it for me.
Desperate, I went to the internet to download the movie I oh so wanted to watch. I found the file and began downloading it. What was strange is that it is an .exe file but what was stupid is that I saved the file despite knowing it. What was even stupider, I ran the file and it installed something: Trojans, 4 fuckin' trojans.
I asked arif for help since he's like the computer wiz. Even with his valiant effort he couldn't take down the Cicakman2.exe Trojan. Then Hafiz came, asked me to buy this software that supposedly eliminate the Trojan and make my PC faster. Guess what, it didn't do shit! And I had to spend $30 on that piece of crap. Tikus membaiki labu banar.
Now the trojan is still lurking somewhere in my laptop, cleverly hiding itself, devising for the destruction of my PC's system. I never knew one file could fuck up my PC this bad.
And all this is because of Cicakman 2.
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