You know what? I find junk mail to be really annoying.
Well, who doesn't?
You sign in to MSN, and every time there's this pop-up informing you about new messages, and then you go to your inbox to check it out, only to find emails from companies promoting their goddamn products. What a let-down. What's bad, these things just keep on coming.
In MSN hotmail, you have this 'Junk mail' section of your inbox, and your 'inbox' section of your inbox (Whoa, confusemoi?). These sections are self-explanatory really; your junk mails goes to junk mail and obviously, not-junk mails goes to inbox. These thing are automatically sorted (at least, I think they are). Then again, why do I find junk mail in my fuckin inbox?? Whatever is sorting my emails, it's not doing a good job. Might as well do it myself. Can't believe I just typed that, no way am I gonna do it. never send Alim to do a computer's job.
I'm just a disappointed guy ranting. Don''t mind me. =)
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