Thursday, December 25, 2008

Company wish.

Here I am, not rockin' in Brunei hall.


in my room.

Just sitting. On the floor. On the Duvet. Or just lying on either.

Staying in my room playing my laptop or just simply staying there seems to be the most sensible thing for me to do to deal with my boredom. Even so, It's still boring. 

I could go out to the lobby and watch TV, but nothing interesting is on. I could play video games in my laptop, but all the games I have suck. I could go out and shop, but I need to save my money. How about socializing with the other scholars? Yeah, I could do that...but I'm kinda shy, my confidence is not really high at the moment, not with this cold that I'm having. Untill then, mingling with other scholars is not an option, unless I somehow took care of my shyness.

It feels like I have nowhere to go here, except my room. 

Berkurung di bilik.


Yes, buring indeed.

For the past 2 days, 'boring' seems to be the most frequent word that came out of my lips.

I wish I have something to do. Something fun maybe. 

I wish my cold would go away.

And although I hate to admit it..

I wish my lumut friends are here.

Don't get me wrong, I have my Dulwich buddies to hang around with, but sometimes they have their own business to attend to and well, I..don't..usually..have..any. Eheh.