Wednesday, April 1, 2009












and it's pronouced as 'bored' , not burit.

Halo everybody

I'm guessing you don't have an empty stomach right now? Well, I do and I'm hungry, and when I'm hungry, I go all red and pinky and will say stuff that doesn't make sense, and probably make sense into things that doesn't, like..............





Animes are a tool for brainwashing people. Grammatical error there in the previous sentence, but I don't care, to hungry to press BACKSPACE. Like I was saying, Animes are BADDDDDDDDD. They brainwash you and turn you to a Japanese. It's another method for Japanisation. Yes, Japanisation. Y'all know japanisation right? It's when you are turned into a Japanese. 

How and wot? First they produce animes, then sell it to us, then we'll surely buy them because a majority of us like animes (statistics show that out of every 10 people in this world, 9 of them are anime fans, it's true! I didn't make this up), then by watching anime you'll admire it and you will gradually be fond of Japanese stuffs, for instance, watching anime makes you want to speak Japanese and the urge to buy anime merchandise will emerge in you. Ultimately, you'll convert yourself to a Japanese. Then'you'll go to Japan, and become a citizen there and next thing we know all the people in the world will become a Japanese! The Japanese will take over the world and no one will be there to oppose them! Do you see how terrible the consequence of Japanisation is? 

Victims of Japanisation. They may look happy, but inside they're in pain.

Like this one time right, I have this friend (I can't say his name because he doesn't want people to know, but from now forth I will call this friend of mine 'Arif') who always swears a lot, but after Arif met this japanese friend of mine he started to learn Japanese swear words like "Kusayaro" and "baka" and has been swearing in Japanese ever since. Soon enough, he himself will turn into a japanese. I'm sorry to say there's nothing I can do to save his poor soul; JAPANISATION IS IRREVERSIBLE! Another example is my dear friend (He doesn't want his name to be exposed too, so henceforth I'll be calling him zifaH). zifaH here watched the anime "Fate/ Stay Night", and he liked it. That is untill spots and rashes began to appear on his body. Doctor said it's just allergy, but there're more to that, the doctors are actually Japanese and are trying to cover up the side effects of watching Anime. ANIMES GIVE YOU RASHES! Thanks to my rash-go-away spell, zifaH is now well and learned his lesson.




You can easily prevent this if you take these measures below:

First. DO NOT watch Animes.

Second. Avoid contact with anime sales-people because they have hypnotic powers to persuade you to buy animes.

Third. Eat a lot of maggi mee. Scientists who work under me have discovered that maggi decreases the rate of Japanisation so the more you eat the slower you'll Japanise.

Fourth. Play more, work less. Playing will relax your mind, when your mind is in its relaxed state it'll be immune to the hypnotical and brainwashing capabilities that Animes have. On the other hand working will result in stress and then make your mind weak and vulnerable to brainwashing.

Fifth and final. Give $1000 monthly to a person named Alim. Why? Obviously because he's running campaigns around the world to educate the people on Japanisation via Anime and he's working on a technology that can destroy Animes and he needs funds for it.

Don't ask me, take their word for it.

The fate of the world is in your hands. 

Wow. I can't believe I can produce an intelligent (and racist) post like this even at this state. Heh. Obviously what I had writen above is not true (or is it?) so don't take it seriously. I'm going to find something to eat now. Happy April fool people. =)