Tagged by Ambrose
*List Out All Of Your Given Nicknames*
*List Out All Of Your Usernames*
*List Out All Of Your Favorite Websites*
*List Out All Of Your Family Members That Live With You*
*List Out All Of Your Songs In Your Music Library*
*List Out All Of Your Characteristics*
*List Out All Of Your Given Nicknames*
ShaoWa - self-given.
ShoWa - old name, now unused.
Alim - real namae.
Lim - what usually people call me.
Lamb - what annoying people call me.
Shower - what retards call me.LOL.
Iruel - you don't need to know. =)
*List Out All Of Your Usernames*
*List Out All Of Your Favorite Websites*
KHinsider - cool KH stuff.
wikipedia - information.
youtube - explaination not needed.
Blogspot - blogging.
gameFAQs - gamers' website.
ultimateguitar - lotsa guitar tabs.
Porn - LOL.just kidding =)
*List Out All Of Your Family Members That Live With You*
and my kucings. =)
*List Out All Of Your Songs In Your Music Library*
I don't wanna.
*List Out All Of Your Characteristics*
I'm a ninja.I kill.There's all there is to it.
No,that's not it, I'm just lazy. =)
I'm tagging everyone in my link list =)
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tagged 2
Posted by ShaoWa at 2:43 AM 0 comments
Thanks ( or no thanks.lol) to anyone who tagged me.
3 Golden Rules
• state 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself
• The 10 people I tag are then to follow my footsteps and write their own 15 weird things/habits and little known facts.
• No tag backs
1. I hate vegetables. I dislike them but Ambrose doesn't like people who dislikes vegetables.Haha.
2. I have a sweet-tooth; I like to eat candies a lot, I often ask for them from my friends macam orang minta sedekah and that explains why I don't like vegetables cuz they are not sweet! LOL
3. I seldom eat chocolates even though I'm a sweet-tooth but I like to eat them =)
4. I always eat unhealthy food even though I'm fully aware of its bad effects. I bought 2 litre of coke and I drank it all by myself. My fav.food is Maggi. Haha, my diet sure is messed-up.
5. I like things easily and also get bored with things easily.
6. I'm timid and quiet at times and sometimes I'm impulsive.
7. I told myself not to be too confident but my big ego makes me the otherwise. But that doesn't mean I'm a sombong person.
8. I don't like to be touched. Except for some people that I like.
9. I have a dream to be a Game Director or any career that has to do with making video games but I'm bonded to be a teacher and I'm still holding that dream.
10. I am setahi and mean and likes to cakap besar but I am like that because I think it's funny, but I didn't mean to offend or hurt anyone.
11. I love comedy.
12. 'ShaoWa' does not mean anything. But my previous name; 'ShoWa' means peace or peaceful. There's a Showa day in Japan where the Japanese celebrates something..yeah,seriously,there is. 'ShaoWa' is a combination of the names 'Sora' and 'Shaoran' cuz I like those characters.
13. I have a short attention span. If you are explaining to me something that I'm not interested in, I'll just pretend to hear and smile and say "awu" or "ok" or "owh".
14. I don't like people asking me obvious questions. Like "How old r u?" = "I'm 17" then "did u have a driver's licence?" = "duhhh..no,I'm 17 remember?" . And I also don't like to answer questions that is frequently asked.
15. I'm booksmart but not streetsmart or maybe neither but I'm working hard to be both.
I'm tagging everyone in my link list =) (except for the ones who have been tagged)
Posted by ShaoWa at 1:52 AM 0 comments
A quick post about what happened yesterday.
Last night ( in Brunei time it's 2am), me & Arif were in our room, hanging-out and stuff. Then suddenly, a loud siren sound pierced our ear out of nowhere, we were basically shocked by the irritating yet troubling sound. I wondered what that sound is; a mobile ringing tone? Someone pranking us? An assembly alarm? A fire alarm? A fire alarm!! For a split second we looked at each other with this 'wtf is going on?' face. I, who was on the top bunker of our bed (our beds are double-storeys' bed (?) ngam ka tu? To put it simple, Kami punya bed yang dua tingkat ah) asked my puzzled friend;
Me; "dood, what's that sound?"
Arif: " I dunno, you wanna go outside and check it out?"
Me: "I dunno"
Then, he started to run.(or did he?) I panic, I didn't know what the heel to do! He started to run out like crazy and I was in the top bunker like payah jua aku turun tu??? So out of desperaton I jumped out of the bed like Rambo jumping out of a cliff and in the process my wrist-watch putus but I ignored it anyway cuz the only thing I can think of is to get the hell out of there.
I reach the lobby and y'know what? Everyone there are just macam biasa saja! WTF?? Ketawa2 lagi tu meliat TV, relax saja durang, kami kipas-susah-mati di sini. I came to realize that it was just a false alarm. Apparently SOMEONE forgot to take out his/her food out of the microwave, causing the microwave to emit smoke, I dunno the details but what I know is; that SOMEONE better watch out cuz if I know who you are, I'm gonna stab you =3
But we had a good laugh after that, it's funny come to think of it. My friend who ran out,he was not wearing a shirt and when he realized that, he ran back in to fetch it, if that was a real fire situation I'm not even sure that's the right or wrong thing to do.LOL.
It was an experience I'll never forget.LoL. Btw, my watch is not putus anymore, I fixed it =D
And now, here's something extra; a picture of our 'tidy'room in Brunei hall.
Posted by ShaoWa at 12:50 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Around London
I'm getting use to life here. I now know how to use the tubes, trains and buses so less traveling on foot. I'm starting to like London =)
Yesterday, Sir Chin brought me around London, it was cool, he told me lotsa things about london, he's the one who taught me how to use the transportation here and he lanja me donuts, nyaman donutnya..mcm kalah d Brunei kali.Haha. We went to this place called 'Harrods', it's a popular shopping mall, and the things there are expensive especially the clothes and cosmetics, I didn't get to buy anything although I have a lot *cough* a lot *cough* of money.
My friend, Arif, and I went to Ripley's believe it or not and it was..awesome! There's this room where the walls looks like they are swirling and there's a pathway in the middle and you need to get to the next room through this room so when I went in and as I walk along the pathway I felt dizzy and it feels like you're going upside-down! seriously! There's a lot of cool stuff there, unfortunately I didn't take any pictures cuz I was lalai macam urang sakai meliat2 barang.Lol.
I wanna buy a PSP here cuz it's cheap around $75-$120.
That's all for now.
Posted by ShaoWa at 6:24 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Uhh..so yeah, I'm in london for 2 days already. It's cool here, not cold, just cool..like me.lol. How cool you ask? Try standing really close in front of an air conditioner, go figure. Heh. I'm trying to adapt myself here, so far so good, it's just that you need to walk to places, it's really tiring, my feet are sore. There are a lot of smart people here,i mean the scholars, or should I say 'informative'? They know a lot of things than I do, which makes me feel..(no I won't say stupid)..slightly short-knowlegded..haha,I'm not sure that word exists..Oh heck, who cares.
Oh, and I'm currently staying in Brunei Hall. 'Brunei Hall', sounds luxurious right? haha, well you know what?..uhh..nevermind, I don't wanna say anything bad about it..It's not all that bad here, It's cheap; $1.20 a night, there're cheap food here, hot water, TV, that's all I can think of. I'm staying here for a week...and it's BOOOORIIINNNGGGGG, there nothing fun here..I wanna go shopping but that would mean one thing; lotsa walking= sore feet, I have nothing in particular to buy anyway. 2nd september barutah ke boarding house.
That's all I can say for know, I'm tired and I'm bored..I don't even have the mood to do anything right now..and I miss some people..some.
Posted by ShaoWa at 9:25 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 25, 2008
I’m kinda in a hurry right now, I got lotsa stuff I need to do, so I just type in whatever crosses my mind.
This is probably my last stay in Brunei, well not actually the last one cuz I’ll be back next year..haha..but a year is too damn long, a lot of things have happened by then and I’m not around to experience it. Wow. No puasa in Brunei, no Raya in Brunei, no kuih raya and last but not least, no angpau..and no, you’ll never be too old to receive angpau..haha..I’ll miss a lot of things . *sigh* I heard puasa is on the 1st September and my school starts on the 2nd..hmm..imagine, my first time in UK and I have to puasa there..kalau bersungkai & sahur payah jua cari makanan tu..like so weird lah! Lol..nevertheless, I must learn to be independent, I’ll think of something eventually.
I’ll be leaving tonight, 7.35pm, feels nostalgic leaving behind your home and the people you cherish ( I wanna say ‘the people you love’, but that sounds kinda yucky ) I want to elaborate but my mind just went blank..haha..Anyways, best of luck to you people, may God bless you. The person who will probably miss me the most is my mother, she doesn’t show it but somehow I knew, on the contrary, my egoistic father won’t me that much..hah..even so, both of them have faith in me, so I’ll try my best to make them proud. My friends too, goodluck to you guys. Thank you and sorry if I ever mean to you.
To my hime, I love you so much and I love you in so many ways. I love the way you gently stomp my foot. I love the way you jelling at me when I say something setahi. I love the way you softly ampas me every time I’m naughty. I love to see your smile, which always brightens my day. I’ll miss you a lot..and I DO mean A LOT. I’ll never forget you. I’m sorry I can’t be there during your birthday, I’ll make up for it, InsyaAllah. Study baik-baik. Take good care of yourself, pakai topi keledar and ingatlah orang tersayang.LOL. and IF ANYONE TRIES TO HURT HER OR DO ANYTHING BAD OR EVEN TOUCH HER OR ANYTHING THAT I DISLIKE, I’LL KILLLLL YOU! I’LL SEND YOU FLYING TO THE SUN! LOLz..but seriously, I’ll kill you =)
Oh, and I made a video, if you want it just ask Amin or anyone. I can’t upload it because it’s around 1.6 GB so I hope someone can compress it..yes UNKE, I do mean you..I was a little bit hasty when I made it, so it won’t be impressive or anything..haha..
That’s all, see you next time =)
Posted by ShaoWa at 9:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
6 days left
Wow. So many things to do yet so little time left.
I have drawn (using paint ;p ) a ‘stunning’ yet precise illustration of this month’s calendar to point out what I’m going to do for my remaining days in Brunei.
So, for all of you that are asking; I'm leaving on the 26th.
Posted by ShaoWa at 11:27 PM 0 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
I feel uncertain about myself..
time has driven me to a corner..
the future won't wait..
I must move.
The world itself is a wonder
Posted by ShaoWa at 7:51 AM 0 comments
Saturday, August 16, 2008
The party is postponed to Friday (22/08/08) due to unfavourable conditions.
Place: Anduki.
Time: after Friday prayer.
Anyone is invited.
Please, inform the others.
I apologize for the inconvenience. I am a bad party planner, I know. Sorry.
And I apologize to the hostelites who may be troubled by this change.
Posted by ShaoWa at 3:12 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Party plan
As the title suggested, I am planning to make a party.
For what? Well, I’m leaving soon so I think it’ll be best to have a ‘get-along’ party before I depart, I think it’ll be fun once in a while and since some of you are having tests (especially the SMSA-ians), so isn’t it nice to get loose with yourself with a couple of friends after a long week of tests and studies? So…yeah.
Date? A reliable source informed me that SMSA’s progress test will end on the 14th or maybe later or sooner (I don’t know because I left school already) so the party will be sometime after the 14th , next week maybe. I think the weekends would be an appropriate day for the party, Friday also buleh.
Place? I have yet to decide the location for the party. Here’s a list of places I thought of:
1. My house (me: I don’t think so.LOL)
2. Anduki
3. LLRC (me: again?balik2 jua)
4. Someone else’s house
5. Pantai?
6. OGDC, Ideal restaurant. (me: I’m not rich so I can’t rent the place xP)
Time? Depending on the location and day.
It would be helpful if everyone contribute to bringing food. I’ll probably going to bring spaggetti and maybe order pizza.
Everyone is invited =) As long as I know you or you know me.
I would like to know your thoughts about this so leave a message or comment in my C-box. Also, suggest me something about the party as I’m not that well experienced in organizing parties. Your contribution would be very much appreciated x)
It's not a big party or anything.It's just something like a gathering, but without loud music.lol.
Posted by ShaoWa at 5:49 AM 0 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
ShaoWa's special: for the hostelites.
This post is dedicated to my friends in the PJN hostel.
Sorry Mizi, aku inda jadi buat yang ‘a person per post’ but instead I divided (well, sort of) this post into 6, each have my comment on each one of you guys and the seniors. =)
First, here’s a poem I found when I was browsing the internet. (fyi, I did not make this poem, so don’t go saying I’m an emo.lol)
One of us is
Traveling to places;
We’ve never been,
Never imagined,
Never seen.
We must;
Remember each other
Through letter and words,
Even though our voices won’t be heard,
So when we get back together,
We’ll still be;

Ani kawan baik ku. I’ve known him since form 1. Ia selalu bagi aku choki2 and gula2,nanti aku belaja ko balik, Insya Allah. Memang seorang yang kreatif, terer photoshopping, buleh jadi graphic designer ni ya ni.lol. Masa malam2 ia yang paling bising pasal..lalala..na bleh ku gitau, Tanya saja c mizi.Hehe. Jaga bisai2 bilikku atu, jangan jamur spendet kamu sana, karang what happens in the video become reality karang.bohhh. Study smartly, ingat apa teacher Michelle cakap.haha.
The most studious person in our group. I always see him studying in his room. I know you can score good grades =) keep up the hardwork! Lol, macam lain bunyinya “keep up the hardwork” , oh well. And thanks for posting about me in your blog. Don’t sleep late at night, haha, or not you’ll get scolded again by ‘you-know-who’.lol.

My slightly distant cousin. Jangan asyik main2 saja, blajar la sikit.hehe. Oh, and I’m trying to make the pudding but I’m still waiting for my parents to by the ingredients. Thank you for the food that you lanja us, really appreciate it. And the one (or is it 3?) thing that you told me; I won’t forget them, don’t worry ;) Stay positive, jangan selalu moody2, kadang2 orang risau tu.

Ngam ka spelling namamu tu? macam salah. Haha. I heard from Chong you cried when I left, I never knew you were a sentimental. Haha. So weird.lol. Macam, tak sangka lah! Just so you know, he’s the one who spread the so called ‘Z-virus’, sampai aku pun terikut2 olehnya. I still remember the time when Amin (not my brother, it’s the other Amin) showed you the rat and then you terkajut, haha, macam lagging lagi tu ko terkajut ah but nice lah, nice, nice. Lol.
Orang yang paling berulah antara kami semua. Time pagi, ia tu yang paling bising. Haha. Belajar rajin2, jangan gauk2, buat amal selalu..eseh..haha. Kecian c Farid ani, nadatah urang kan mengajar ko maths lagi, tapi bagiku ko memang ada kebolehan maths, terus kan usaha walaupun aku nada, minta ajar dari seniors.
Although you guys always kacau me but you guys are cool, baik jua lah, sikit..haha..cali2 pun ada. Thanks for all your support and thanks to Sufi & Amin (the other Amin) who taught me how to play the guitar. Have a fun year.
Lastly, I want to say gudluck to the hostelites on their upcoming tests and exams. Mudahan kamu pass, amin. Have a great time in hostel, tapi jangan sampai buat warden marah. Lol. And, I want to apologize if anything that I did or said offended you. I had a awesome time in hostel, I'll cherish the memories. I’ll see you guys when I see you. =)
Posted by ShaoWa at 9:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Movie Trailer
There are a few bugs in the video, maybe it's because of the upload.If you want the full one,just ask from me =)
This video are for the guys at hostel.lol. Be careful guys, you don't know what's lurking in my room. heheheh.
btw,sorry for not replying your SMSs, my credit is kinda low, very low to be precise; 0.01c. Transfer kredit la sikit..hehehe..
Posted by ShaoWa at 9:09 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Kreative Bloggah
Many many thanks to Ambrose who nominated me.
-The Winner May Put The Logo On His/Her Blog
-Put A Link To The Person You Got The Award From
-Nominate 6 blogs
-Put Links To The Blogs(sorry I didn't put any links here,cuz I dunno how =P)
-Leave A Message For Your Nominees
The nominees are..
2. Miji
3. Nurun
4. Nazirul
5. Erwan
6. Shely
call 8885556 for your prize.lol.
Posted by ShaoWa at 10:24 PM 0 comments
ShaoWa randoming random randoms 2!!
Naruto: "Believe it! Dattebayo!"
I got nuthin' else to do...
Want a pony? here's one.
Geli Mat! (special thanks to hostel seniors)
and Adli; I'm sure you remember this video,heheh.
Posted by ShaoWa at 5:42 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
My last day in school (2nd last to be correct)
Since I’m going to leave school, I think it’s worth for me to post this ‘special’ day in my blog.
Early Morning.
We arrived quite early, 6.50 I think, the first person I saw was Afi, and he was at the school’s foyer with my other friends, Fizah & Wani. Our van dropped-off us in front of the school foyer, as usual. Without hesitant, I gave Afi ‘the finger’, not the F finger but THE finger, he saw me doing it but he ignored it as he was busy finishing up his Math homework (I was still inside the van btw). I went out of the van and walked-up to him, we chatted about DMC4 for a while; he bragged that he finished it in 9 hours, yeah? So what? I have a life you know. Lol. Afterwards he left for class and along comes UNKE, I continued talking about DMC4 with UNKE, we made a few jokes, had a few laughs. Then off we go to our respective classes.
Registration Room, Sci1.
I spoke with Mr. Bharat, our group tutor, about the leaving form; he explained that I need to do several troublesome tasks before handing it in. I was like, what? I thought all I need to do is fill up the form and give it to you. To my naïve-ness, I came unprepared. I listed the tasks below:
1. Return all textbooks to the tutors and have them sign the form.
2. Ask for the librarian’s signature.
3. Get the signature of Mr. Tony (name might be incorrect), a teacher at the school’s finance department.
4. Get the hostel’s warden to sign.
5. Finally, return the form to Mr. Bharat. The other tasks must be completed before handing in.
Number 1, 2, 3 and 5 are easy, but how the hell I’m gonna ask for the warden’s signature?? I’m like,in school, and he’s like, at the hostel! WAt Da Fcukk??!! And I need to hand the form in on that exact day. Nevertheless, The great ShaoWa came up with a solution; at 12.05pm go to hostel, meet warden, he’ll sign, then return. AHAH! Me are genius! Lol. (Ignore the self-compliment)
Before going to GP class, I went to see Ms. Tam, my math teacher, I returned my math textbooks to her and she signed the form. Simple as that. And I told her I won’t be coming to math class (because I don’t want to, I’m layzeh) luckily she didn’t ask the reason why.
GP Class, set 4(A).
I gave the form to our gp teacher, Mr. Gavagham, I told..hmm..not ‘told’ but ask him to sign it right away but he hesitantly wanted to sign it at the end of class. I was afraid that he’s going to forget it but he promised me he won’t. We watched a movie, it’s about a great teacher, Mr. Ron Clark, kinda reminds me of superman, I don’t wanna go to full detail about it. Since we only have an hour for GP, we didn’t finish watching the movie and we are to resume watching it in next GP class, which is on Saturday, unfortunately I will not be around on that day. Before leaving GP class, I shook hands with Chee & Amelia, It was an awkward moment for me as I rarely shake hands with other people, but I shook theirs anyway. Good luck to u girls too aa!
Chemistry, set 5.
Nothing interesting. Pretty usual despite for the fact that I’m leaving. We learned about reversible reaction, dynamic equilibrium thingy, bla, bla, bla. I returned the books to teacher, just like what I did to the others, and she ask me to come by her office during PS cause I need to sign something. Come to think of it, I was never really good at chemistry..hmm..maybe I shouldn’t take it in UK.
Met up with her; Moi hime. She looked sad, it’s because I’m leaving..aww~ Nantitah ku balikan ia chocolate =)
Physics, Set 1.
Teacher was late. Haha. Well, not very late lah, it’s just a few minutes. I saw Sherman, he looked at me as if he wanted to say something to me, I just waved and hai-ed him. We did some exersize about waves, nothing unusual happened there. Books returned and signed.
PS, set 2.
PS. Ah, the joy of idling. So much time but so little to do.
I’ve cleared the 1st task, now to do the rest. Librarian, signed. Meet with chemistry teacher and sign. When to Finance department and..uh-oh..Mr. Tony wasn’t there, one of his accomplices told me he has already left for home. Convenient, is it not? *sigh* Now, I have to go to school again on Saturday so this makes this day my 2nd last day of school. Hah.
Afterwards, I went to the canteen to join Asnan & Jason who was practically bored at that moment. Out of boredom, me & Jason listened to my MP3. And that is basically it.
I promised ma hime I’ll be waiting for her at the foyer to..uh..escort her to her car. While I was waiting a couple of SMSA kids were shuffling at the foyer, watching them makes me wanna shuffle also but I’m a little shy so no need lah. Not long after, hime came, I did what I mentioned above, we greeted each other goodbye and I went back home..I mean, to hostel.
Posted by ShaoWa at 10:48 PM 0 comments