Sunday, August 31, 2008


A quick post about what happened yesterday.

Last night ( in Brunei time it's 2am), me & Arif were in our room, hanging-out and stuff. Then suddenly, a loud siren sound pierced our ear out of nowhere, we were basically shocked by the irritating yet troubling sound. I wondered what that sound is; a mobile ringing tone? Someone pranking us? An assembly alarm? A fire alarm? A fire alarm!! For a split second we looked at each other with this 'wtf is going on?' face. I, who was on the top bunker of our bed (our beds are double-storeys' bed (?) ngam ka tu? To put it simple, Kami punya bed yang dua tingkat ah) asked my puzzled friend;

Me; "dood, what's that sound?"

Arif: " I dunno, you wanna go outside and check it out?"

Me: "I dunno"

Then, he started to run.(or did he?) I panic, I didn't know what the heel to do! He started to run out like crazy and I was in the top bunker like payah jua aku turun tu??? So out of desperaton I jumped out of the bed like Rambo jumping out of a cliff and in the process my wrist-watch putus but I ignored it anyway cuz the only thing I can think of is to get the hell out of there.

I reach the lobby and y'know what? Everyone there are just macam biasa saja! WTF?? Ketawa2 lagi tu meliat TV, relax saja durang, kami kipas-susah-mati di sini. I came to realize that it was just a false alarm. Apparently SOMEONE forgot to take out his/her food out of the microwave, causing the microwave to emit smoke, I dunno the details but what I know is; that SOMEONE better watch out cuz if I know who you are, I'm gonna stab you =3

But we had a good laugh after that, it's funny come to think of it. My friend who ran out,he was not wearing a shirt and when he realized that, he ran back in to fetch it, if that was a real fire situation I'm not even sure that's the right or wrong thing to do.LOL.

It was an experience I'll never forget.LoL. Btw, my watch is not putus anymore, I fixed it =D

And now, here's something extra; a picture of our 'tidy'room in Brunei hall.